
George Alexander Louis ~ Royal Baby #1

Welcome to the world Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge, he with the quite unprincelike chart that fits perfectly with the others in his family. His chart shows he shares the watery nature of his parents and grandparents on his father’s side, and is also caring, introverted and quite private at heart. His birth comes at a time of great change, when issues around equality and freedom are much in the air. It’s also a time of great economic instability and disparity, when people’s need for BIG change is at odds with the traditional structures of power. And even though his chart shows his own material security is well protected by his position, it’s also very likely he’ll be intensely sensitive to the inequalities and imbalances globally. So will these be the sorts of issues he’ll challenge in his lifetime? And will he become a victim of circumstances, a reformer, or both?

It’s a very sensitive and philosophical chart of one seeking the truth (Sun and Venus in the 9th house, Grand Trine between Jupiter/Mars, Saturn and Neptune) with a deep, caring, emotional and even secretive soul (Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in Cancer in the 8th house opposite Pluto). It also shows, however, he has a strong mind of his own, and this no doubt will present challenges as he struggles to find ways to be true to his own values and beliefs, and express these within the confines and protocols of the royal family. His willpower and desire to be his own master is very strong, and he will either be very conservative or the opposite, quite unorthodox. Both Diana and William have managed to blend these two qualities gracefully, breaking rules but gently and behind the scenes. The chart shows that George will too experience times in his life where his secrets spontaneously pop out for the whole world to see.

It also shows that balancing his need for self expression against his very deep need for privacy and security will be a huge challenge. Six out of the ten planets in his chart are in water signs and four are in Cancer. Water people dwell in a sea of emotion, they are instinctive, perceptive and nurturing. As the sign of the mother, Cancers are designed to look after the needs of the family, whether that be theirs or the great human family. Princess Diana and Prince William were/are also Cancer, a shy and very sensitive sign.

His chart has, however, a very strong adventurous streak and desire to be part of world. He will love to travel, be interested in other cultures and religions, seek to forge international partnerships and may even marry a “foreigner” (Sun and Venus in the 9th house, Mars conjunct Jupiter), although his need for adventure is bound to be curtailed – and financially made possible – by his circumstances. This strong emphasis on gaining an international point of view is unusual for a person with such a strong connection to the home.

While his chart is not that similar to Diana’s or Charles’s it does show he will, like them, have to overcome challenges in order to express who he really is. It also shows great potential for being a powerful agent of change who speaks out against the system quite honestly. His chart shows he could easily use his position to champion a cause, or a series of causes, although this will involve breaking down many obstacles along the way. It shows he’s not afraid of a good fight, though circumstances are against him in that. He’s definitely a man with a higher calling but also one that is acutely aware of, and locked into, his responsibilities.

Actually his chart is not very career minded thought it shows a deep desire to take part in international affairs and to understand how these work, also to understand people’s needs and what makes them tick. It also shows great depth (still waters run deep) and a tender and compassionate heart. It’s the chart of a seeker and an independent thinker, i.e., more of a researcher/writer/teacher/historian or a freedom fighter for people or for environment (like his grandfather) or animals (like his father) more than a military man or authority figure, although he may have a knack for strategic deception or subterfuge born out of the need to protect his privacy. It also shows an ability to inspire and motivate others. He will either be very athletic or not at all so, and water signs usually gravitate to the sea. He will definitely have dreams but whether these are compatible with the expectations of his family and the public remains to be seen.


Sun on the cusp of Cancer/Leo opposite Moon in Capricorn (and both square Saturn in Scorpio)

In astrology the Sun sign is said to come from the father’s personality and the Moon sign from the mother’s. True to formula George has Sun in Cancer and William, his father, is Cancer. He also has Moon in Capricorn and Kate, his mother, is Capricorn. For a child’s chart to reflect the astrological signs of both parents so perfectly is quite an amazing feat to pull off, especially since this particular Sun in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn combination only happens for two and a half days out of the entire year; which may explain why he waited for that – slightly late – day to come. In any case this combination shows the strength of this family unit and his embodiment of their respect for tradition and traditional family values in spite of the more individualistic sides to his personality.

He was born on a full moon so the Sun and Moon in his chart are opposite one another, i.e., pulling in opposite directions. This really emphasizes a need for him to find a balance between his outer public self and his inner private self, or his behaviour and his feelings. Sun opposite Moon also indicates his parents are complimentary but different, or even that the parents are opposites or take opposite sides from his point of view, for example father being more protective and a softy and mum more of a disciplinarian. This difference in their personalities may be more obvious as time goes on, however it doesn’t mean they won’t act as a team or be a happy and complimentary family.

Sun opposite Moon also emphasizes the polarization between the inner and the outer life, the need for quiet and introspective time versus the demands of being on show, a theme that’s really obvious already. He couldn’t even be born without the whole world watching and demanding he be displayed almost immediately.


Born on a cusp

Actually what’s really interesting about George’s chart is that his Sun is exactly (and I mean exactly) on the cusp of Cancer and Leo. People born on cusps traditionally have a duality about them, since each sign is a like a reaction, something very different, from the one before it. So here we have George born on the cusp of Cancer (emotional and shy water) and Leo (look at me fire). Actually this cusp is especially interesting because Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Leo is ruled by the Sun so this brings together the qualities of both. But the challenge of combining these comes from having Sun and Moon opposite in his chart. So a strong family unit and a balance between his parents and their families will be important to his ability to express himself. In any case this Cancer/Leo cusp emphasizes his need to fuse his mothering qualities with being the center of attention. Cancer is the sign of family and heritage, and Leo is the lion, king of the jungle. So Cancer/Leo is a natural combination for a member of a royal family.

Also born exactly on a cusp is Queen Elizabeth (Aries/Taurus) and prince William (Gemini/Cancer). For Prince William that Gemini – Mercurial – influence is a great blessing because it gives him the grace by which to communicate and manage the media (Gemini) in conjunction with his family life (Cancer). Prince William’s chart is more harmonious and harmony orientated than George’s although he may also be shyer and more delicate than he seems.

Kate’s chart is more similar to George’s, and like George she was born on a full moon but with her Sun and Moon in the signs opposite George’s which is truly amazing. George is Cancer Sun – Capricorn Moon and Kate is Capricorn Sun – Cancer Moon… and William (can’t leave him out) is Cancer Sun – Cancer Moon. This shows the strong Cancer (family) Capricorn (duty) theme running through the whole show, and strong fundamental similarities that bind them together.

And on a side note Kate has been really forced to change the way she asserts herself (from being free to not free) and now the pressure of being mother to a potential future king is going to demand she change even more. With her Moon in Cancer motherhood is a natural role for her but she may also feel the struggle between duty and the need to protect her family quite acutely. So watch this space for more from Kate, she’s in for a bit of a dynamic ride over the next 4-5 years or so. The Queen is very supportive of her it shows, and they are in some ways quite similar. Actually Kate’s chart shows, in time, she would make an excellent queen.


Sun opposite Moon square Saturn

George’s chart also shows his Sun Moon opposition squared by Saturn. This indicates the absolute pressure put on him by his heritage, and also potentially his parents, for balancing the inside and outside parts of his life, and maintaining respectable behaviour. This also means that there will be times when circumstances makes this even more difficult for him. I wonder if later he, personally, will reject being forced into a position of authority “me as King? Thanks but no thanks” or if circumstances change so it isn’t necessary for him to actually be the King.

Because his chart infers, despite his innate understanding of the importance of traditions and protocols, that taking such responsibility makes him feel, at the very least, uncomfortable or, more likely, absolutely petrified because it prevents him from “just being himself”.  His chart shows he has natural leadership qualities and a genuine self confidence but one that may not sit gracefully alongside the conditions of his birth because he’s something different, unorthodox even. How different, and in what way, only time will tell but anyone born during such a period of change carries the same energy of change within. And to be honest if you look at the role played by Diana and Prince Charles, it is no surprise he struggles with similar things.

Another really obvious theme is his need for privacy and security being at odds with all the media attention. Like with Diana, George’s persona could exasperate, and even bring to a head, the complexities and risks around excessive media intrusion, and like her, be a catalyst for legal or other challenges to the ways in which the media interacts, not only with the royal family, but with people more generally. This debate may have already started.

So will actually George be King? It’s impossible to say but there does seem to be a lot of room for surprise in the meantime, and it’s also possible that institution breaks down or changes more radically within his lifetime. It shows he has been blessed with the ability to act with great compassion, fairness and decorum, but it could also be that following a traditional path is not his priority.


Any parallels with great gran Queen Elizabeth?

Actually if anything Queen Elizabeth’s chart shows she has been bound by her duty to tradition. Being a woman and a Taurus there is an emphasis on maintaining harmony and not rocking the boat, however strong and independent in thought she may be. In some ways there are similarities in that they are both strong personalities with their own opinions and a sense of duty and compassion for others. The Queen’s chart though is incredibly queenly, stoic and I would say destined, or perhaps even willing, to be locked into her responsibilities. She was also born exactly on a cusp but 2013 is not 1926 and I very much doubt Prince George’s reign, if he has one, will be anything like the Queen’s. Also outbursts of emotion are not her thing whereas George’s chart shows, however much he may want to hide what he thinks and feels, bits may suddenly burst out, since his chart shows a certain intensity and much going on on the inside.

Any parallels with King George VI ?

Remember the film The King’s Speech about the Queen’s father’s struggles to find his own voice? Well… in looking at King George’s chart although the two charts are not similar, I do think this George will also struggle to find his. Both charts show elements of having to cope with the unexpected, whereas Queen Elizabeth’s shows her to be totally prepared for the unexpected. All in all this little George has undoubtedly chosen to arrive at an opportune, but also precarious, time.

July 26, 2013