Is Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury retrograde is an phenomena where it seems, from our view on earth, that the planet Mercury is moving backwards. It occurs about 3 times a year, for a few weeks each time.

Mercury (aka Hermes) in western mythology was a flying messenger delivering messages between the gods in heaven and the humans below. So his main role is that of a messenger, or communicator, though he’s also associated with commerce and trade which back then meant merchants, tricksters, thieves and travelers.

For astrologers Mercury rules mundane, everyday communication. During retrograde periods it’s said that those things governed by Mercury can get stuck or go backwards. Verbal communications, for example, can go awry (“I didn’t say that!), travel plans and communication devices can malfunction resulting in delays, misunderstandings, confusion. Our phone goes missing, our computer breaks down, our luggage or mail gets lost, our best friend stops speaking to us (we think)… these are Mercury retrograde experiences.

But does this really happen? My experience is that sometimes a Mercury retrograde period is very obvious and other times not so much. It may be that Mercury retrograde periods affect people differently, that people ruled by Mercury (Gemini, Virgo) or with Mercury strong in their charts are more sensitive to it, and maybe that’s because they have more communication going on in their lives. It also might be that certain people are more affected when Mercury goes retrograde in their sign, for example when Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Libra, Libras feel it more. It could also be that people feel it more when Mercury goes backwards in an area of the zodiac that’s sensitive for them. But for anyone whose life revolves around data, travel, communications and commerce it’s helpful to be aware of these times.

Every time it comes I tell myself “ignore it”. But then something happens that seems very Mercury retrograde. Others feel it too. They ask me “is Mercury retrograde?”


What to do?

Take more care over your communications, business and travel plans; check details, allow more time, don’t expect everything to go to plan. It’s also said to be a bad time to start new endeavors or sign binding contracts, the idea being that things finalized during Mercury retrograde may have to be revisited or changed later on. Don’t finalize a house sale, buy a car, get married, quit your job or sign a new employment or business contract. Or if you must, just take care.

Some astrologers, and I’m one of them, believe that Mercury retrograde times can be very productive if one lowers their expectations and slows things down. It’s a great time to focus one’s attention, to regroup and resolve outstanding issues and finish creative projects. It’s also a great time to avoid information overload, to cleanse and purify one’s attention, to bring the focus inside. It’s believed that if things break down or get lost they tend to straighten themselves out when Mercury goes forward again. So if your package is lost in the mail – it might still show up.

Some astrologers say that the energy of it is also active in the period leading up to, and just after, the actual dates. Not sure if that’s true or not.


In Sahaja Yoga Mercury corresponds to the Swadisthan chakra, the source of the pure attention and pure knowledge. I’ve also heard Mercury is similar to Hanuman. In Vedic astrology he’s called Budh or Budha, the awakened intellect that knows and can discriminate.


Mercury sign